Software Engineer fascinated by how technology can improve wellness.

Who I Am

I am a Senior Teaching Fellow at the Grace Hopper Program at Fullstack Academy who is passionate about the ways that tech can improve wellness and empower people.

Before Grace Hopper, I graduated from Dartmouth College with a BA in Chinese having completed all pre-medical coursework. After taking the MCAT and scoring in the 100th percentile, I was planning on applying to medical school with the hopes of becoming a Psychiatrist. I have always been passionate about wellness and mental health, and felt that becoming a physician would best allow me to help. However, after a couple of those closest to me struggled with mental health issues over the past year, it became clear that the traditional medical system was not effectively preventing or helping to alleviate mental health suffering due to stigma and lack of access. I discovered coding and realized I loved the analytical and creative challenge that coding provides and also the ways it can revolutionize healthcare. While I first decided to pursue programming because of how it can improve health, I now realize the positive power that coding can have in any industry. I am fascinated not only by how tech can address specific medical problems, but also how it can create communities, improve health, and empower people in all aspects of their lives.



  • JavaScript(ES6)
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • React
  • React-Redux
  • Redux
  • AJAX
  • Axios
  • jQuery


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Sequelize
  • SQL/PostgreSQL


  • Watson Natural Language Understanding
  • Plaid
  • Twilio
  • Nodemailer
  • node-scheduler


  • Git + Github
  • Command Line
  • Chrome DevTools
  • Postman
  • Postico
  • Mocha/Chai
  • Jasmine
  • Agile



August 2017 - Present

Inspired by my experiences as a peer counselor and built from scratch, Sana is a web application that uses Natural Language Processing to match peer counselors and students based on similar background and allows them to chat anonymously in an effort to increase accessibility for those who need help.

In Progress: Using the BetterDoctor API and Google Maps API to allow users to review and find health professionals based on machine learning.

Node.js Express React-Redux Watson Natural Language Understanding API Sequelize



June - July 2017

Built as the capstone project for the Grace Hopper Program, Mercury is a web application that uses the Plaid API and nodemailer to motivate users to stick to multiple budgets and sub-budgets that the user creates.

Node.js Express React-Redux Plaid Nodemailer node-scheduler

Code Demo


June 2017

Inspired by my experiences with pneumonia and created for Grace Hopper's Stackathon, Temptracker is a web application that helps users track fever with graphs and metadata and notifies emergency contacts if temperature becomes too high.

Node.js Express React-Redux Twilio API react-easy-charts node-scheduler
